Spiritual Response Therapy

What is it?

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a quick and accurate healing technique that aids in removing spiritual, mental, emotional, and even physical blocks that are preventing you from living a free and happier life.

SRT was developed by Robert E. Detzler, and has been used by thousands of students since 1988.

How does it work?

With SRT, we research the subconscious mind and soul records to find and release discordant, limiting ideas and believes and replace them with loving, supportive ones. SRT is a powerful, accurate way of changing your inner and outer life, enabling you to live freely. The research during an SRT session is guided by your ‘High Self',’ and can include past life energies, subconscious blocks, and soul programming that no longer serves you. Once these blocks and energies are identified, they are cleared from the subconscious, soul records, empowering you to heal yourself on all levels.

What can I expect?

You can be present for SRT or it can be done for you (you don’t have to attend the session if you so choose). If you do choose to experience your SRT session live, you’ll need a quiet space for the session where you feel safe and calm. Initial sessions take about 90 minutes and are general soul clearings, inner child healings and restructuring exercises. Follow up sessions can be focused on the topic of a relationship, a situation or a block that is holding you back.

Whether you are present or not for the session, you may have customized releasing statements to say aloud to clear energy. Releasing statements are a key SRT tool to shift your energy so that you can step into full wellness. With SRT, results can be felt immediately along with full integration of your healing realized after 48 hours.

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