Inner Knowing Channeling

What is it?

Inner Knowing Channeling allows you to be in the driver seat for guidance, healing and connection to who you really are. Access the divine guidance from the inner wisdom within you.

How does it work?

Before the session, you’ll have the opportunity to share questions and or issues you’d like to discuss with your own Inner Knowing. This can be about a certain topic, situation or block you may feel. During your session, you will be guided into meditation to channel your inner knowing in your own personal way. Many people hear words or see pictures but others receive guidance through feelings in their body that may need translating for your conscious mind. Emotional blocks can come up to be released during the session as well to amplify an even clearer connection to your own Inner Knowing. The session is recorded for you to listen and access the wisdom at your convenience.

What can I expect?

You’ll need a quiet space for the session where you feel safe and calm. You’ll leave the session feeling more clear, free and connected to who you really are with practical spiritual guidance that is applicable for your real, everyday life.

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