Human Design Reading

What is it?

Human Design is a self-discovery methodology that allows you to recognize your own unique gifts and design so you can live in alignment to who you truly are in every area of your life from relationships, to prosperity to purpose.

How does it work?

Human Design leverages a body-graph chart which uncovers your energetic type, your profile definition, the way you digest information (and food), as well as your purpose in life. Human design can also highlight areas in your life to focus on healing. This new perspective on your life can help you have more compassion and understanding for yourself and others as you experiment with ‘living your design.’

What can I expect?

Human design readings are based on your birth day, time and location. This will populate a chart that will give you more insight into who you were designed to be and where you could be living your ‘not self.’ You’ll walk away with more insight and understanding for yourself and what next steps will support you in your own journey.

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